Lower Your Credit Card Processing Fees

Like most people, we go for a physical checkup once a year. We want to know if all is right with ourselves, and if not, what can we do to make ourselves better.

With that said, businesspeople across Western New York should also do a financial checkup once a year.

If you accept credit cards at your business, then you should know that the cost of accepting those cards can be reduced. Monies saved on processing fees fall to your bottom line.

We will prepare a statement analysis of your rates and fees that will provide a side-by-side comparison of all your rates and fees, in an easy-to-read, comparable format.

This reliable and verifiable checkup is a confidential, no-obligation free service offered by 716 Merchant Services.

Discover Your Potential Savings

Send us your processing statement from the previous month (all pages, front-to-back) and cross out anything you may feel is confidential. We will get back to you with our statement analysis within 48 hours, showing you what your current processor's fees are and what your savings would be with us.

Financial statement with coins and a pen.